Studio 9 Textile Artist Alice Hume has been awarded a Developing your Creative Practice Grant from Arts Council England for her new project From Soil to Cloth, supported by John Hansard Gallery.
The textile industry is the second largest polluter, and yet natural fibres can be grown and are biodegradable. Alice’s new project will develop urban textile gardens in the city of Portsmouth, with a new collection of work and environmental research.
Be part of a new slow textiles movement, volunteer to grow linen and natural dyes or join a free monthly paper cordage workshop with discussions on textiles and environmental topics.
Sign up to Alice’s mailing list to book and to be involved @fromsoiltocloth
Alice is also running two free paper cordage workshops every Open Studios until July. Open Studios runs on the 3rd sunday of each month and sees all 13 studios open their doors, two free activities and a monthly guest artist in the Round Tower from 11am-4pm.
To find out more and to sign up, use the link –

“The paper cordage workshop in particular was lovely, as much of the time was spent getting to know the other participants while we were quietly creating. The sense of connection that creating something together can allow is so important, and is something that has been largely lost from how we currently live our lives”
– Paper Cordage Workshop Attendee