‘The Train Was On Time’ Exhibition


Jul 20 - 21 2024


10:00 am - 4:00 pm



Taking influence from folk music, socially critical films and documentaries and his personal experiences within the work force, George’s ink drawings are objective studies of individuals found on the fringe of lower income environments.

Artist George Spencer Jackson hails from the West Midlands and comes from a painting education and background, graduating from the University of Arts London in 2019. He went on to win the Hermione Hammond Drawing Award (2019) with Mall Galleries and was exhibited in their 200th RBA exhibition in 2023. Recent commissions include a mural for the Atherstone Heritage Centre for the Atherstone Hall Game.

George is a resident artist and works from Hotwalls Studio 6 in Portsmouth. This is his first solo exhibition.

Instagram: @georgespencerjackson

Website: www.georgespencerjackson.co.uk

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