Studio 12: Annie Flitcroft



Annie Flitcroft has a BA Hons. degree in Fine Art from Chichester University – specialising in ceramics; a material whose magic she says continues to completely absorb her.

An overlying theme and inspiration for a lot of her sculpture comes from seeing nature’s abiding ability for metamorphosis and the way everything is eventually claimed back, reused and given new form.

She prefers to work in porcelain for it’s strength and unglazed bone like quality but recently having been inspired by her surroundings here at the Hotwalls she has developed a unique series of glazed vessels that are a influenced by the lichen that covers the trees and stonework here in Southsea. Nature’s indication of clean air.

The surviving local historic architecture has also stimulated a series of handmade houses and warehouses that she often decorates with her studio number or one of the boat registrations seen in Camber Docks.


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